Stress is a normal feeling that everybody has felt at some point in their lives. Yet for something so quintessentially human, the physical effects of stress can be overwhelming. Think back to life in the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic. Don’t worry, I won’t make you think about it for
Three Reasons Mental Illness Is A Condition, Not Personal Failure
In every culture throughout history, there have been people operating in the “mainstream,” and folks that have been deemed outsiders. Anybody seen as “other” is at risk of being shamed and judged. Think of religious and ethnic minorities, non-cisgender heterosexual individuals, and people who are in some way ill. I’ll
Mental Health Providers: How to Find Who Can Help You
Seeking out mental health treatment is a big decision. The very process of recognizing that there is something wrong can be a journey all in itself. Mental illness is a condition, and improving the symptoms can have a tangible effect on your life. Taking action to solve the problem means