Christopher Schamber LCSW

Your mental health is important. If you’re experiencing emotional distress and want to know more about what’s going on or how to get help, I hope you’ll find some assistance from the information and resources I provide here.

As a licensed clinical social worker, I am experienced in psychotherapy, diagnosis, and case management through giving resources and referrals. I am certified in interpersonal therapy, and have worked with a wide variety of mental health symptoms. Furthermore, as an author, my fiction and non-fiction highlights people from all walks of life facing mental health issues.

People in distress often find it harder to do the things they enjoy. It gets harder to take care of themselves. Sometimes, they feel like they’re going crazy.

They’re not crazy. They’re experiencing a condition.

Mental illness is no less a character flaw than a broken leg. More and more people are becoming aware of that, yet mental illness continues to be widely stigmatized and misunderstood. The wealth of information on the internet is helpful, but it can be daunting trying to sort through it all and find answers.

In this blog, you’ll find…

  • Comprehensive and easy-to-read information about mental health symptoms and disorders
  • Details on how to access treatment, and what each of those treatments entail
  • Strategies to engage in self-care and build up inner resources.
  • A look at the big picture. How do societies’ systems affect our mental health? How does pop culture depict mental illness? This is critical to understanding pressure points and stigma.
  • Fictional and realistic stories of people overcoming mental health issues.

I hope this little cubby of the internet will take the mystery and shame out of mental health and give you a better understanding of yourself and the people around you.

Sharing these posts is a great way to start a conversation, whether you want to give your friends a starting point to appreciate what you’re going through, or you have a suffering family member who could use the information.

Sign up for my email list to stay up to date on all the useful information, worksheets, and tidbits. I will not spam you. If you sign up, you’ll get a free worksheet to track your mood throughout the week. This is especially helpful for figuring out which activities energize you, and which ones posts and products. You’ll get a free worksheet to track your mood throughout the week. This is especially helpful for figuring out which activities energize you.

ALSO: I am now accepting private therapy clients! If you’re interested, click here to check out my profile and schedule a consultation.

Please also follow the blog on social media.

What I do


Feeling low or overwhelmed? Check out some self-care strategies to build up your inner resources. I also give tips on getting into mental health treatment.


Decode the jargon. Learn what symptoms, diagnoses, and treatment styles may mean for you in a comprehensive, easy-to-read way.

Fight Stigma

You are more than a condition. See how social systems affect our brains, or ways pop culture places stigma. I also write fiction showing characters living with mental illness.

Like What You See?

Mental health shouldn’t be mysterious. I hope this corner of this internet empowers you and gives you tools to build up your inner resources.

Please join my email list to get a free mood tracking worksheet, and follow my social media accounts.

Feel free to email me if you have any questions or feedback! Let me know if there’s a topic you’d like me to cover.